The 10 million swindling case has gone as far as dividing Greater Ankole Makerere Students Association (GAMUSA) into two rivaling parties. The first party belongs to The president Milton Mwesiga who was released on police bond on Tuesday evening while the other is led by the Association’s prime minister Paul Mugume.
Yesterday as Milton briefed a press conference at MAK guild canteen, the other party was busy prompting the police to let them open up a court case against him regarding the whereabouts of the Association’s 10M.
The genesis of the whole issue rates from 8th November 2015 with Proffessor Mondo Kagonyera handing over a parcel of the cash from the First Lady’s office to Milton. The money was meant to open up a printery, buy Music, Dance and drama instruments to promote the Ankole culture as the first projects. However Milton who claims having single handedly toiled for this donation from the First Lady says it was acquired during the Presidential Election Campaigns with strings attached to it and some of the strings included using part of the money to mobilize students @MAK to support NRM as it had lost popularity by then.
To begin on a spending note, immediately after the Association launch, the members demanded for a treat in Wandegeya where some members even demanded for plain cash that was given to them by Milton. The remaining members started looking at him as a loaded president and started pestering him for dime but he kept his word i.e to fulfill the conditions set for the donation and to use the rest of the money for registering and publicizing the Association.
It’s at this moment that they started ganging up in cliques to show him fire. The association that lacked morale from the beginning started gaining momentum and numbers increased all because of the donation.
The current executive committee stands at tension claiming that the money for NRM mobilization in all country wide associations was to be given in the Mbarara Rally to the respective presidents. GAMUSA however did not receive it thus the opposition towards Milton that he in no way could have used the money for mobilization as it wasn’t meant for such. All letters affiliated with the donation were addressed to GAMUSA a non-partisan association not for political ulterior motives.
Milton and his newly formed cabinet also stands on the other bank of the GAMUSA confusion river claiming they won’t allow selfish money motives to stand in their progressive way. That for decades, there hasn’t been an Ankole Association at MAK and this with or without money, the new cabinet appointed swears not to give in to any form of intimidation.
As this confusion is still on, the old cabinet says it’s not enemies with the one formed and calls it just a group of misguided members.
“Even when this is over, we’ll hug each other like nothing ever happened before but Milton will not stay president after this” said one of the students.
Feedback is still pending from the office of the Attorney General about the case which might be handed over to courts of law.
The bee will keep you posted about all upcoming updates.