Joining campus, the tales of how gruesome and uncool halls of resident are was sang. Being in a hall means the only class of a boyfriend or girlfriend you can have is the enduring type or nothing. With years, it has finally made sense. The filth in Makerere halls of residences is insufferable.
A walk through Mary Stuart, the biggest and oldest hall of residence for females at Makerere University was appalling. The bathrooms are repellent, toilets-sickening and resident rooms vomitous.
Despite a 1.6 billion phase to renovation of washrooms in 2014 where Mary Stuart was a beneficiary, the hall shows need for grave refurbishment; floors have been eaten away, causing stagnation of water, unhygienic sit-on toilets prevail and faulty taps continue to cause flooding of up to two floors in the night.
Adding to the repulsive situation, rooms near toilets have dirty water oozing through the walls.
“We are living in a pitiable situation. Water from the toilets sinks in leaving us with wet smelly clothes”, girls in G14 told the Bee.
Apart from the toilets, most rooms have dirty worn out paint and rotten ceilings. The girls have made efforts to re-paint the rooms in order to leave a decent life.
The custodian office at the hall told the Bee that they try as much as they can to maintain what’s there for the students as they wait for an intervention from above.
The question is; what plan does the University have about the situation that is not only at Mary Stuart but also in other halls of residence? Campus bee will be bringing you details on this story.
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