The lives of two young entrepreneurs, Sheryl Kaitesi and Sharon Ngarambe, were tragically cut short in a fatal road accident on Saturday evening. What began as a joyful occasion, attending a friend’s wedding, quickly turned into a scene of sorrow and loss as the speeding vehicle (Mercedes Benz) they were traveling in collided with road barriers in Namasuba, opposite Freedom City.
The impact of the crash claimed the lives of Sheryl and Sharon instantly, leaving behind devastated family, friends and shattered dreams. The driver of the vehicle survived the accident and is currently receiving medical treatment for injuries sustained in the crash.
Sheryl Kaitesi and Sharon Ngarambe were not just friends; they were business partners who embarked on an entrepreneurial journey together. Shortly after graduating from Uganda Christian University (UCU), they co-founded Plush Store, an online fashion boutique specializing in women’s apparel. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, their business thrived, providing them with a livelihood and promising futures.
The sudden and tragic loss of Sheryl and Sharon has left their families, friends in mourning. Both young women were known for their vibrant personalities, entrepreneurial spirit, and dedication to their business venture. Their untimely departure has left a void in the hearts of those who knew them.
As their close ones come to terms with this devastating loss, funeral arrangements for Sheryl Kaitesi and Sharon Ngarambe are yet to be announced. In the meantime, tributes pour in from all corners, remembering the lives of two bright individuals whose potential was cut short far too soon.
May their souls rest in eternal peace.