On Sunday, Martha Kemi Kagimba, a Mass communication finalist at Mukono based Uganda Christian University [UCU] and also a photographer dropped a fresh video on her facebook page detailing her encounter with her dream car, a Range Rover 2016 model.

In what started as a sad story of being knocked by a car that she hadn’t recognised despite having a disciplined boda rider who followed all traffic guidlines, Kagimba explains how she picked herself up only to realise that she had been knocked by her dream car.
In the video, she comically explains her grand experience from the tyre of the car to the perfume that hit her when the car window slipped down.
“Other people are knocked by wheelbarrows, bodabodas…who am I to be knocked by my dream car?” She cheekily said.
There could be a chance that Martha will be the next Anne Kansiime, who knows?
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