The Uganda Woodball Federation has organized the 8th Uganda Open Woodball Championships scheduled to happen this weekend at Uganda Christian University (UCU).
The games will run from 29th to 30th of October 2016.
There will be different categories in the competition, the University Level, Club level, Corporate level and competitions from secondary and primary students.

The university level will include UCU, Ndejje University (the defending champions), Bishop Stewart University, Kyambogo University and Busitema University.
Club level will be represented by teams from Ndejje, Stroke and Zoe Wood Ball clubs.
There will be corporate teams that will represent Stroke, Ndejje, UNEB, Zoe and St. Joseph’s Kisubi Technical Institute Woodball Clubs, at the corporate level.
There will also be a number of other primary and secondary schools playing participating in the competition.
“The wood ball sport in Uganda started from Ndejje University, it will be very difficult to defeat their team” says Ladslaus Mudingoto, captain of the UCU team. Ndejje University are the defending champions from the previous championships and the captain believes they might have an upper hand. “However, I believe the UCU team is equally strong.” he said.
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