The Uganda Christian University (UCU) Council, at its sitting on May 26, 2016 approved the amended “University Dress Standards for Students and Staff Statute”.
This followed an appeal from the guild officials who in their periodic meetings with the Vice Chancellor, Dr John Senyonyi, argued that some staff members were dressing inappropriately.
“Our consultations revealed that staff members were also complaining about students’ dressing, and this required the amendment of the dress code,” Dr Senyonyi said.
Dr Senyonyi revealed that the revised dress standards are a fitting Christian testimony and a fulfillment of UCU’s desire to offer “A Complete Education for A Complete Person”.
“When Uganda Christian University (UCU) students graduate, their dress fashion, like everything else, should distinguish them to be ladies and gentlemen.”
The Vice Chancellor elaborated that the previous dress standards, initially approved in 2007, did not assign an oversight office. Secondly, while some officers of the university worked to enforce the standards, others were lax, if not outright reluctant to enforce them.
Security staff indicated that the implementation of the statute was left to them alone, and they did not feel supported.
“Thirdly, about four years ago, Senate adopted a resolution, which required each faculty to define its dress standards, using the approved standards and taking into account the demands of each profession. However, this was not provided for in the dress standards. Fourthly, university policies are reviewed every three years. But this statute had not been reviewed,” Senyonyi said.
In approving the amended dress code, the University Council is responding to the above concerns.
“The office responsible for enforcement of the standards is the Directorate of Quality Assurance. Nevertheless, enforcement is our corporate effort, both students and staff. Unless otherwise stated, a University Council resolution is for immediate application.
“However, we intend to sensitise the community about it before a fully-fledged application of the standards. We shall soon officially launch it and highlight some of these points to the community,” Senyonyi concluded.
The Council Secretariat will disseminate the approved statute and publicise it as widely as possible.
Reporting by The Standard.