Information reaching our desk shows that one of the slay kings the Campus Bee crushed a while ago was last week arrested by Mukono police post. Known among his peers as Vuiton, the self styled slay king was accused of stealing a Huawei P10 smartphone from a Makerere University Business School fresher.
“He was arrested after he was suspected to have stolen a Huawei P10 from a MUBS fresher at Casablanca, Mukono on Wednesday night,” a source reveals.
The source added that “Vuiton” asked for a ride from the fresher, (his Facebook friend) to his hostel room, and that upon reaching the purported hostel, he asked the student to lend him his phone so he could call someone. Vuiton ran off with the phone. The Mubs student (names withheld) immediately rushed to Mukono police to make a report of the incident. He also alerted the bar attendants of Casa about the theft.

An exchange of contacts was done between the fresher and the bar attendant so that he (fresher) may be called if the slay king surfaced. He has been known to hang in Casa, Hive and Cayenne bars Mukono where similar concerns were raised.
On Friday of the same week, the attendant notified the fresher after he noticed Vuition step into the bar. The fresher travelled from Kampala to make sure a capture is made. He notified the police. At around 3am Saturday, he was captured and dragged to the police cells.
When asked about what the events surrounding the incident, the Mukono police post declined to comment, or release the police case number.
At the police station, one officer (names withheld) gave a lose explanation of events. In his comment, there was no case file in the names of the accused but rather a misunderstanding between Vuiton and the fresher, a dispute that was resolved without the need for statements to be made or a case filed.
“You know how young boys. They had their issues, small issues that do not need police.” According to police, the two simply had a dispute, or misunderstanding. Vuiton had taken the fresher’s phone as security for something he (fresher) had taken from him. Once the item taken was returned, Vuiton also gave the phone back, and he was released.
Attempts to reach Vuiton for a comment regarding the allegations have been futile as his phone number is off.
A source that was at the police that day however reveals that the mother of the accused pleaded a lot to justify his release and the absence of the police case number.
“The case was filed, and then crossed out since the parent pleaded a lot,” reveals the source.
The source also adds that this is not the first time such an incident is arising. Many people have had complaints of the accused stealing phones at bars.
“This was the first time he was arrested.” He adds that the other times have been difficult to prove because the accused always denied taking anyone’s phone.
Vuiton, according to revelations cannot honestly reach a slay king status that he has been pretending to live. He was released after he returned the phone to the Mubs fresher.
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