In a blog post, one author Chrissy Beck, writes in an article she titles “The worst people I know are Christians”, that Christians will hold their hands high during worship and post Christian music lyrics on their Facebook walls or WhatsApp statuses while they do nothing to live the lyrics out, or go on a one – week mission trip and speak about the selfie they took with a starving child and did nothing about it, but preached the gospel.
Students with a legal knowledge will say how Uganda Christian University (UCU) is prima facie Christian because of her middle name, but when evidence is gathered, the contrary is proved, in essence affirming what the author above believes.
UCU students started their end of semester exams on Monday (16th April) but just before that, you could clearly see that scores of these students had not yet raised the complete tuition to qualify them for the exams.
While some were able to ask for help from their colleagues to raise the tuition, someone was not able to raise it, and maintained or thought, or had a belief that the university was Christian and would be lenient to let him or her sit the exam.
The previous semesters, the dean of students was lenient, rather acted Christian, and allowed the students to do exams with a temporary chit from her office, at least to sit the first exams, and where it fails, it would be beyond their power of the office. This time round, that power has been stripped and the office cannot give chits any more.
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Scores of students, allegedly 100 plus students from all the faculties of UCU combined were denied the chance to sit the exams yesterday because they had not completed tuition, many of these students being finalists, and hoping to graduate soon.
In the most popular social media platform WhatsApp, students have moved to express their dissatisfaction with the university.
“You call yourself Christian yet act completely the opposite way,” reads one of the comment, and asks where is the love, care, kindness, helpful, mercy, ruth, and togetherness you talk about as Christians even where the institute is headed by cannons, reverends, bishops.
“The decisions you make are so evil and tyrannic, so selfish and earthly minded,” it reads.
Students believe there are better modes of punishment than denying one to sit an exam.
“Today, my cry is for these 100+ students who were denied to sit their exams because they had not completed tuition”, another comment reads. These students were chased away like strangers, even when some had paid some amounts on their tuition.
Students were in tears pleading to the invigilators and to some of these offices and they were simply told from the stone faces, “Go and apply for a dead year.”
“What is the difference between you and these ordinary institutions,” in and an angrier sombre tone reads a comment “is that what Jesus Christ our Risen Lord commanded you to do in his absence?”
The comment ends with a statement to the university “your days are numbered and when judgment day comes, hope we shall not point at you and say to the Lord that those were the reverends and canons.”