On Tuesday 16th June 2020, the chairman of the national Electoral Commission (EC) Justice Simon Byabakama released a revised roadmap for the 2021 general and other elections. In his message all physical public political rallies were banned as a way of avoiding the spreading of COVID-19 caused by coronavirus. Political hopefuls at all levels were advised to use media platforms such as newspapers, radios, televisions and social media to conduct what he termed as ‘scientific elections’.
It should be remembered that when universities closed on 20th March 2020, only Nkumba, Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) and Uganda Christian University (UCU) were done with guild elections while the others were still in the campaigning period. This means that as other university students and those in other tertiary institutions are waiting to be officially re-opened by the government, they have to consider conducting guild elections that are in line with the guide lines set by the national electoral commission if they are to continue with guild elections
Speaking to one of Kyambogo University EC officials, KYU EC acknowledged that they are to bear with the situation and they will meet to discuss on the matter as soon as the Institution is re-opened.
“The guidelines issued by the national EC governs all elections that are to be conducted in Uganda during this pandemic. As Kyambogo, we are not going to be affected as much since we had finished most of the electoral activities such as campaigns. We had already procured ballot papers. When academic institutions are re-opened the EC will discuss the way forward,’’ he told Campus Bee.
Akankwasa Brighton a GRC contestant at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) welcomed the idea but he was worried about the loopholes in them that are likely to cause election chaos.
“If we are to remain safe from this pandemic, we have to abide with what EC set. However, we need more clarification and strict measures. For example, some may use the platforms stated to buy votes which will be unfair to other contestants. We are still waiting for MUST EC to tell us the next step,’’ Akankwasa said.