Keith Harold Mugabi says that it is not a mistake that he is studying at Victoria University. Actually, Mugabi is enjoying life at the Jinja Road based campus. To him it is a dream come true. He is in the right place. In an interview, Mugabi explains that Victoria University offered him what he wanted in a university. Below are excerpts from the interview.

What kind of child were you in school?
My name is Keith Harold Mugabi. Right now I am a second year student at Victoria University studying information technology and I am the guild president. I can’t say I was the naughty type of child, maybe I was naughty, especially in primary, who is not naughty at that age. I went to Kabojja Junior before going to Bishop Cypriano Kihangire, Seeta High School (Main campus) and finished my A’ Level at Turkish Light Academy.
I was brought up by a single mother who supported me and my other three siblings. Mum gave us the best and took us to good schools. We lived a comfortable life. We are a God fearing family. I am a saved man.
Why did you join Victoria University of all Universities in Uganda?
The reason I joined Victoria University is because it offered me what I wanted in a university. All the schools I went to, are not upscale, but they offered me quality education. I believe Victoria University has the right facilities, environment and education that I wanted.
Would you recommend someone to join Victoria University?
Definitely any day I would recommend them to come here. I believe Victoria University has a lot to offer. As a beginning learning institution, it has its ups and downs but we are trying to build the gap together with administration.
Briefly tell us, how has it been in the last few months you have been guild president?
The last months have not been hectic as I thought it would be. I majorly put my effort on my core things that I really wanted to achieve as guild president, the administration has been helpful so it has toned down my work. And then having a team you can work with has been helpful because without a team your efforts are going to be fruitless.
Tell us about the challenges and achievements you have encountered?
There hasn’t been many challenges that I can attest too or that frustrated me but of course there are small ups and downs – the students expects a lot from the guild. It being a new university they expect a lot of entertainment, having fun, it’s a challenge to organize all those events without depleting the guild fund.
Having a small guild fund has been a bit of a challenge but you have to work out a way to satisfy students. We try to live within our means. On the side of achievements; we have drafted the constitution – having the draft alone is an achievement. We are going to have a cafeteria at campus that help student get a few snacks at the university campus.
What kind of relationship do you have with the University administration?
The university has an open door policy. We go to them when we want anything, they have never denied us anything ever since we came into office. They are the ones who guide us before we make any decisions.
What do you like about your job as guild?
The beauty that I can listen to different voices of students and pick out what they want, what they feel the campus should be and take it to administration, I feel it is a landmark. I feel serving Victoria University as guild president has left a landmark in my life that I will never forget. It has given me the opportunity to make friends.
Are you dating any at Victoria University?
Yes I am dating someone but not a student here
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