Over the week, the Kukyala (introduction) ceremony of Pastor Kanyanja Junior has been a hot talk on social media after he officially introduced his American- Latvian descent lover, Ms. Marlena Gailis at the dude’s parents’ home in Kawuku – Bunga.
A video later surfaced in which the groom-to-be Kayanja Jr narrated to the congregants of the kukyala about how he met his lover and later discovered that she (Marlena) was someone to settle with, for a lifetime.
Both offering the same majors then at Oral Roberts University, Kayanja Jr revealed that the two had never talked through their study time until the last year when they were both involved in the same project.
Covered with fascination but yet uncertainty about Marlena, Kayanja Jr had to decide to take his shot regardless of the outcome. He was clad with the confidence that in the event the girl turned him down; he would not get to see her again, since they were in the evening days of their campus journey.
Straight to it, listen to the story yourself in the video below:
Born 1995, Kayanja Jr is son to Pastor Robert Kayanja and Ms Jessica Kayanja of the Kayanja Ministries.
Kayanja jr grew up in the US with occasional visit to Uganda. While in the US, he studied at Oral Roberts University and Miracle Bible College, and finally graduated from Life Christian University.
Marlena is a PR graduate from Oral Roberts University where she met Kayanja Jr.