Hey y’all I am Ezkurie Delaine from Makerere University, the Ivory Tower. I just thought I’d share my experience with y’all, the readers of the Campusbee.
I happened to date this Nkrumah Hall guy, he was cool. Sometime I paid him a visit at his hall of residence and he
tried to get THINGS ON (you know what I mean….like he tried asking for the cookie). Well yeah, I was into him, real isshh BUT his mattress was like a squashed writing script. Like the whole MUK alumni had used the darned bed. The mattress was so thin miserable. I swear my weight combined with his on that bed, we would definately sink the lousy bed into the floor.
Which brings me to my question? “ba campuser” who get it on more often can you allow to get laid on a miserable lousy bed? Coz me, I ain’t getting laid on a miserable excuse of a mattress, never! Please share with me your opinions.