By Alan Kanyesigye
Given a scenario that illicits one of two antagnostic responses; one has to choose either to go for government sponsorship in a course that one is not passionate about or considering doing one’s dream course as a private student. Such cases have happened and I want to confine with a thinking that an enormous number of people have faced such a moment of internal pressure in making a satisfying choice, and I happen to have been among those during the year of our intake .
In life , ambitious people will always have what they wish to accomplish in their lives but nature also always has its own course as one plans to achieve this and that. Remember that fate may have something else in stock, so always try to have an alternative plan to encounter the situation in case events don’t occur as expected.
While in high school, I believe most of the students spare for a few who look at schooling as just the order of the day, have dream courses to undertake at the university to enable one make it to a particular profession. Of course, there are prestigious courses at the university that a large sum of people would wish to enroll for; Medicine and Surgery, Law, Engineering and many more. The more those courses are craved for, the more the efforts required to be invested when still in secondary level to attain a slot in those prestigious courses.
A case in point is when one does not make the marks required in order to obtain a government sponsorship in one’s dream course and maybe an offer comes in another course that made it to the PUJAB form out of the blue, so a conflict of interest sets in . Either spend the money and enroll as a private student following one’s passion or accept the privileges of studying for free but on a course that ‘accidentally’ made it to one’s form . It is always a trying moment and a satisfying decision can be hard to make because I am talking from an experience point of view.
Whenever you involve parents in such a decision, face it – from an economic view, most parents will tell you to study the course given to you on Government Sponsorship because they will be one child less of the school fees burden. The more understanding parents will advice you to pursue your dream course and struggle to raise the tuition. But whatever comes out of such negotiations usually depends on you the student. What would you rather take?
I advise that counselling and guidance be sought in such cases because sometimes it can turn out that the courses that previously were thought of not being that marketable are actually on a higher demand. It has to be first perceived that all costs, any decision made comes along with its associated risks of losing something. But I find it more relevant to focus on the positive side the most and endeavor to believe that once you have decided to follow a particulate path, you should have and direct all the energies in that direction with no regrets lest one dares to lead a miserable life while at a level where it matters the most.