What matters more – how a phone performs or the price you have to bargain to purchase it? Yes, “how it performs” might be the obvious answer but price sometimes is a major factor in decision making. This might lead you into

itel is providing both of these in one outstanding package of the P33. The P33 wields a 4000mAH battery that can assure you of up to 80 hours of use before you need to plug in again. This also means you get 45 hours o talk time and 39 days if on standby. with this, you forget about the worries of carrying a charger or even forgetting it.

Aside from the battery, the P33 is very hard to beat. Its AI power master combines two power-saving modes; a smart power-saving mode that limits background app activity and turns off sounds and syncs. The second – an ultra power-saving mode that goes one step further and restricts access to certain power-hungry applications.
Go get yourself an affordable phone (Ugx 300,000) and also get yourself quality in terms of battery and perfomance.
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