Biochemical artist. Confusingly ironical right??? Well that’s the title to a very extraordinarily special person , Andrew Mukalere. Currently pursuing a degree in Biochemistry at Makerere, he uses the art avenue to forge a living. He refers to this as rather more of a livelihood than a talent.
Raised in Entebbe by a rather principled dad, Andrew didn’t take art serious and was often times referred to as an art clown. This was at Kibuli High school. He went on to silence his critics and had the last laugh when he pencil-drew a portrait of his headteacher. Owing to this, he earned a personal bottle of gratitude from the HM himself. Since then he has never looked back as he soon after got numerous orders from even his fellow students.
One may think, well, why sciences yet an artist. The answer is simple. He was a science bwatt who knew art to the point of earning a Government scholarship in Biochemistry. However, he didn’t let this scholarship ruin his passion with art. To date he has made many art pieces that award his with quite a handsome amount of money. ” My dad doesn’t even pay my hostel fees”, he proudly brags. Asked about his most expensive piece sold, he stated he sold a certain portrait in a Kenyan exhibition at a whooping 15m. ” I couldn’t believe my eyes when the lady handed me the cheque with that amount” he said.

As any other artist, the main challenge is high priced materials used in the process. It greatly limits his capabilities to produce more and more pieces. Also the fact that he is a scientist, he sometimes has to pause art to concentrate on his Biochemistry course.

Him together with a one Blair are working on an art company, Imagine Drew, that will provide numerous services. Blair, a close friend of his, asked for a dead year at Med school to do 3D animation at Artfield. “That’s how much serious we are taking this project.” What’s rather not common nowadays is that he and his friend do all this with the backing of both their families. Andrew’s dad facilitated his trip to Kenya for the exhibition and Blair’s parents supported his decision to get a dead year. ” All this wouldn’t have been possible without God.” With this bright future ahead of him, we’re sure that what the future holds for him is surely fatty. All the best Drew!!
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