Some random guy has fallen for you, and he swears to God he would catch a grenade for you. He has this strong conviction he would go to the ends of the world just to find that one thing that makes you happy. He hopes to profess his feelings, but he just does not want to rush the chemistry. So he takes a stride, and asks you out on a date. It is the first date, beware of these red flags from prospective bae.
Dude calls you on a date, and there is no food involved. All he wants is to take you on a romantic walk around the city, admire God’s creation. He tells you how much he loves those blue petals on that mango tree. He says, you hear them, the birds sound just like you. Girls have hobbies, and I promise even if she does not say it, she is a foodaholic. Get the girl food.
Talking politics, it does not matter how much you think Iddi Amin was the true definition of a patriot, or if you hate Donald Trump that much. You do not hold political debates with your date. Even if you think a joke will come out of it.
Those babes that want to shove food into their handbags. You have probably ordered a pizza or some KFC chicken, but because you are keeping a low profile, you don’t finish all the pieces. Then she gets the remains and shoves two chicken thighs in a polythene and keeps in her bag.
Having private conversation on phone, you have your vibe for the date set, then as you are right in the middle of it she gets a text notification and goes ahead to read it. That girl won’t be an easy nut to crack.
He wants the date at his or the girl’s place. Here, his motives are very clear, he wants to get into those tight pants of yours and consume every bit of you. Worse still, his conversation is too sexual and even expects a sleep over. Beware of such perverts.
The accent is a turn off. There is the guy that wants to sound like a white man and make you feel he is international. He tries to force an accent all the while having his vernacular and English mingled in the same accent.
He is too touchy. He or she wants to make every statement practical. “You are beautiful.” He would then want to emphasis this with his fingers around your cheeks, then your chin. He wants to touch your shoulders.
This is so not okay on a first date, we don’t know where your hands have been.
Having a bad breath. Your date loves to chew on a PK but this time the gods were not on his side, he forgot to buy one and not it is too late. Bad breathe is the epitome of a turn-off. Run for the hills.
He is a show off. He will ask you to choose the place you want for the date. He will place a car key on top of the table so you see it. All his conversation with be brag about his achievements and plans and make you feel like you were not surviving before you met him.
Ladies, if he’s doing this and making you pay, blacklist that loser. Beware!!!