Kyambogo University students are currently astonished by the bravery and courage of a beautiful and intelligent second year female student who has declared her interest to become the 19th Guild President with the National Unity Platform (NUP) card.

It is a rather highly competitive flag bearer race as other four strong gentlemen have too expressed their desire on the same post. These include Nkwanga Michael, Wafula Koholo, Nuwahereza Bless and Bwete Aziz.

Very many students have come out to question Barbie’s intentions since she had taken long to declare this popular interest. While talking to the Bee, Barbie said that coming out at this time was a strategy, something that she had been planning for a long while.
“We have given the male students a chance and we have seen what they have done. Now it’s the females’ turn, Barbie’s time. We’ve begun to raise daughter’s more like the sons,” she remarked.

Barbie Tuhairwe is a second year lower student from School of Management and Entrepreneurship, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Procurement and Logistics Management.
She is a resident of Nanziri Hall. Famously known for her every day elegance and popular choice of clothes, Barbie has always left many people in admiration.

Barbie is not only intelligent, but also confident and brave, and ready to challenge the leadership history of the university which is characterized by male dominance.
Her slogan, “Redefining the students’ leadership” will further be explained during a launch that will be held tomorrow Tuesday 29th November 2:00pm at the student’s centre where she will officially declare her interest.
The NUP primaries to choose the party’s flag bearer will take place on Friday 2nd December 2022.

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