“The Boondocks,” the edgy animated series based on Aaron McGruder’s comic strip about 10-year-old black militant Huey Freeman and his gangsta-wanna-be younger brother Riley living in the suburbs with their grandfather, is returning April 21 for a fourth and final season on Adult Swim.
The series last aired in 2010.
Returning to the new season as the voices of Huey and Riley is Regina King, and John Witherspoon is returning as the voice of Robert “Granddad” Freeman.
“The Boondocks,” the edgy animated series based on Aaron McGruder’s comic strip about 10-year-old black militant Huey Freeman and his gangsta-wanna-be younger brother Riley living in the suburbs with their grandfather, is returning April 21 for a fourth and final season on Adult Swim.
The series last aired in 2010.
Returning to the new season as the voices of Huey and Riley is Regina King, and John Witherspoon is returning as the voice of Robert “Granddad” Freeman.