Usually things work this way. Farmers wait for the torrential rains to commence their agriculture. Chapati makers light their stoves in time for the evening rush hour. The other party that anticipate a certain time could be handsy men, awaiting interns; in this case, female interns. This is a time of the year that they crack knuckles. This is a time they actually go to the gym twice a day, just to invest in the energy they will drain on the incoming interns, usually by exploiting their thirst for success and naivety.
So, how does an ordinary girl handle a handsy man? In a few simple steps, here’s how it works.
Be assertive.
Much as men turn out to be macho, masculine and hard nuts, they are deep down the softest creatures in the world. So, when at internship, mark your ground. Say no. Be serious. Don’t be the girl that always laughs and smiles at everything and everyone’s jokes. You become a target. Politely tell off anyone who crosses the line. The male ego is easy to bruise. You will have proved your point and he sure won’t bother you again.
Invest all your time in your work.
The old proverb of an idle mind being the devil’s workshop is very much alive. It’s real ma’am. The more you spend hours looking at the chandelier lights in the conference rooms, the more you’ll fantasize about having them in your room. Then you will need someone to buy them for you. At the end of the day your brain is giving you ideas. And one of these will be chit chatting with a handsy man you think can buy you that. Before you know it, you will be trapped in his bedroom which you will realise doesn’t have this chandelier itself. Stay busy. You’ll survive a lot of rubbish.
Keep hanging the carrot in front men.
You could run into obstacles if you are overly rude or assertive to all men in the guise of guarding yourself. So, the best thing to do is cooperate, but slowly. Show men the smile but keep them guessing. Keep them thinking. Give them the 90-day rule. Invent rules that don’t even exist, like, “I will let a guy touch me if they survive the first 70 days of flirting without asking for sex”. Stuff like that. Nothing keeps a man hooked like a chase he knows he can win. Of course you’re sure he won’t win but keep him thinking he will. At this age, any average female knows how this game is played.
Get a bully fake boyfriend.
In brief, don’t read into the heading. I’m just saying, have a sense of belonging. Men however horny and rabid, can give boundaries if they realise you belong to someone in that vicinity. Knowing you belong to a guy will keep their hands off you.
Give it up to the highest ranker
If you’re going to give it up to someone then it should be the big guy. Sleep with someone high up that ladder, not the tea boy. No one is going to mess with the CEOs girl. If you sleep with the tea boy, then it means you’re that “kind of girl”. This also means, you could end up sleeping with the entire organization and hence your internship cut short for scandal.
Truth be told, if you are brave, tough and grounded, these men will respect you. Handsy men usually pry on thirsty and overly friendly interns, watch out.