“I hate this kind of stuff,” ” If internships were not compulsory, I wouldn’t be here.”, “They don’t give any allowances yet we are over worked.” “This is not what I signed up for,” ” I am fed up of this, I should be looking else where.”Many interns are heard in the corridors lamenting.
Do you know that the company in which you are interning might offer you permanent employment?
Do you know that there are people striving to get that internship place that you are cursing?
Do you know that many youths, approximately 45% of the unemployed youth despise(d) jobs just like you are doing now?
Many interns, most of whom are my friends, are busy complaining about being overworked, others are complaining because they are given no allowances, while others are just being lazy. Ignorance is one of the reasons many people are unemployed today, you despise a job/work not knowing how many people actually would die for that opportunity.
We forget the major reason as to why we take on internships and look through monetary lenses, my friend, it’s an internship not a job placement.
You shouldn’t expect allowances but if you are given, be grateful, and yeah it is hard work because there is nothing like overworking. You have got to conquer hard times if you wish to enjoy soft, sweeter easier times.
Lucky are those earning off their internship, be thankful to God. But internships are just that, it’s like that test of life that prepares you for the near future, a hurdle set so low you might despise it, but this determines who you are to become. So, let’s stop whining and get to work, give your boss reason to pay you, give him/her reason to give you those allowances you so much crave..