Jogeza Mosha Ntulume, a third-year student from Uganda Martyrs University is making money moves through graphics designing. Ntulume is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science.
He is a graphics designer/CEO at Jogeza Graphics, a company based at Nasser Road dealing in stationary, printing banners, posters, invoice books, receipt books, and all sorts of designing
He says designing has been his main hobby since way back. Ntulume informed Campus Bee that he also used to play rugby in addition to his new hobby, playing golf.
In a few years, he sees himself owning one of the largest printing companies in Uganda due to the connections he is building in different sectors with people who are helping him grow his company through recommendations .
He further informed the Bee that he is finding it hard to balance books and work. According to Ntulume, some clients need him to show up at their offices before giving him business.