NTV presenter, producer, anchor Raymond Mujuni made one of the most bold moves on Thursday evening when he proposed to fellow workmate-turned lover Rita Kanya. Mujuni, who has been deeply in love with Kanya took to his twitter to announce that the most beautiful girl in the world had said yes to his most difficult question.
“The most beautiful girl in the world said yes to my most difficult question,” Mujuni captioned the picture where he was captured kneeling down and putting a ring on it.
In January this year, Campus Bee reported that Mujuni loves himself better while next to Kanya who also works at the Serena-based station as a news anchor.
Unlike DJ Brian and Lynda Ddane, Kanya and Mujuni did not hide their romance as it is remembered that the seasoned investigative journalist posted a picture of him and Kanya on his Whatsapp status with a caption reading “Love of my life,”
Online in-laws have started speculating that it will end in tears because Kanya has decided to keep the relationship off her social media.
Indeed a man shall eat where he works. Here at Campus Bee we congratulate the two scribes!
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