Unlike the other contestant whom one would easily notice because posters are a form of identification short of which you might even be considered non-standing.
One of the guild aspirants in the 82nd MAK Guild Race, Bazil Mwoota Biddemu, pulled out an anonymity stunt. Most of the students who turned up for the rally did not even have a sketch idea of how the dude looked like apart from his supporters who were holding white papers labelled with his name as if they were on a peaceful demonstration.

His campaign manager, John Waswa also President at the School of Education had this to say; “We should have got our posters by now but the guy we contacted to print them out delayed.”
This we consider a flimsy excuse because we strongly believe the aspirants had all the time they needed to prepare right from the day they decided to join the race till when they were nominated.

Lets expect a change in this @Team Mwoota For Guild unless you’ll have to visit CEDAT and get sketched or present your original face on every MAK STREET.
All eyes on you today at University hall…..as #MAKDecides
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