The Kyambogo non teaching staff has decided to continue with their sit down strike. This comes at a time when they had been instructed by the Vice Chancellor early this week to get back to their work stations so that the university can continue operating normally as planned.
Meanwhile, the fresher’s that had already reported to campus as early as yesterday August 15 were left disappointed when there was no one to work on them as they arrived.
At the moment, some halls of residence still remain closed like Nanziri Kennedy Hall and also offices of various warden halls who are meant to allocate and register freshers, whereas those that are open like Mandela and North are allegedly said to have been forcefully opened by police so that students can have access to them.

Addressing the press yesterday, the Vice Chancellor Prof Elly Katunguka instructed all those non teaching staff who are not willing to report to duty to hand over material not later than today to enable the university run as expected.

At the moment, it is the student leaders receiving students and more so, those students in the opened halls of residence have not been served any meals because the people responsible with cooking are part of the strike.
Classes also still remain closed and no draft timetable has been pinned and lecturers have not turned up to teach.
We shall keep you updated as events unfold.
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