Just a few days before picking of guild presidential nomination forms, the People Power camp of Gulu University has been thrown in total disarray following release of a Guild accounts committee report, where their candidate is noted to have squandered several million shillings of guild fees.
The embattled out going guild minister for culture and social affairs is said to swallowed 2.2 million shillings during freshers ball. However when the sweetness of the monies increased, he skimmed a few dimes off cultural gala competitions and closed the money eating festival with a few millions off Miss Gulu University competitions.
However, word from the university People Power spokesman is that they will continue to fully support Hon. Shadiq. He noted that it is clear their candidate is being targeted and went ahead to strongly note that their candidate is not the only one who has eaten guild money and it is unfair to wildly attack him over such an unharmful act.
The Guild race still continues with candidates Ayiiko Herbert Mawut, Iron lady Alonyo Dolphin, Mukoswa Jacob, Yiga John Bosco and Amati Herbert.
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