By Anita Ayesigamukama
Kyambogo University has issued out procedures for picking the recently released admission letters for the 2024/2025 Academic year.
In order to obtain an admission letter, a student is required to present;
a) original birth certificate.
b) original O level result slip and certificate.
c) original A level result slip testimonial and certificate.
d) original academic transcript and certificate (for diploma/degree/certificate holders).
e) former school college /institution identity card.
After receiving the admission letter, the student is supposed to sign the commitment section at the back of the admission letter, photocopy the admission letter and retain the original letter.
This will enable the student access his or her student portal since students enroll into the university using the online system.
It is only up to this point that the university will be able to note that you have reported and shall be available for the semester.
It also helps the student to access the fees structure and print out the enrollment certificate from the portal which he or she submits to the faculty or school registrar.

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