The ex-guild president (2014/2015) of the mighty Kyambogo University, Ian Kafuko commonly known as Liam Kafuko has been pinned down in a whooping 20.8 million Uganda shillings scam.
In an exchange program that Kyambogo university has with the Leiden University of Netherlands under the International Development Students Society (IDSS) that started in 2014, the Kyambogo guild president in power every year is supposed to be sent on a trip to Leiden University to attend a students’ exchange program for some time and the University is supposed to fund the trip.
However, when Kafuko was handed this money totaling up to 20.8 million Uganda shillings, he decided to pocket the money and instead forged out papers that he later presented to the authorities showing that he had successfully gone for the trip which actually he didn’t go for.
This mishap was brought to the university’s attention specifically to the Vice chancellor by the very first beneficiary Mugabi John, also ex guild president Kyambogo University (2013/2014) in whose regime this partnership was brought on board, who had gone on his personal trip to the Netherlands where he happened to meet the counterparts in this understanding .
Mugabi says he was questioned as to why the university this year didn’t send in a representative yet all preparations were put in place to accommodate him (Kafuko).
In a press conference that was held today at the Kyambogo student’s center spearheaded by the African Students Forum, they told the media that as a forum they stand for accountability and transparency, they need to see value for money.
The speaker also added that Kafuko in his absentia has allowed the accusations and he is willing to refund the money.
“We have talked to the relevant authorities like the dean of students and the vice chancellor and all they have told us is that they have talked to Kafuko and he has promised to refund this money,” said Michael the forum speaker.
At the moment, the African Student’s Forum have not yet stated a deadline period given for Ian Kafuko to clear the money though he stands not to graduate until the arrears are cleared.
Campus Bee will keep you posted.