Osuta Julius, a first-year student of Kyambogo University pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics has been missing since yesterday (7th April 2022) morning.
Before his alleged disappearance, Julius over a phonecall told his roommate that he was going to campus to hand in group coursework as his group members were impatiently waiting for him and also to pay his tuition since examinations for the first-year students are around the corner.
It is reported that Julius did not make it to campus to hand in the coursework and hasn’t yet answered his phone following numerous attempts to reach him made by his friends and group members.
Anyone with whereabouts or seen him anywhere is advised to contact the nearest police station or call 0772967313.
Julius’ disappearance comes about three weeks after a final year student from the faculty of Engineering at the same university, Kimera Boniface had been reported missing and days later found dead around the shores of Lake Victoria.
Kindly help friends and family find Osuta Julius.