After several years of Makerere University students complaining about missing marks and delayed results, the Academic Affairs minister, Tomson Tayebwa, has launched a campaign to end the problem.
Dubbed “Students’ Missing Marks and Delayed Results”, the campaign will be requiring the affected students to engage academic registrars of respective colleges so that they can get quick help.
The campaign was launched at the beginning of this month.
Tayebwa, in a communiqué sent to all the colleges in the university, stated: “The campaign is meant to solve the continuous academic challenges of missing marks and delayed results that stands with no valid reason.”
According to Patrick Ipola, the deputy Academic Affairs minister, the affected students will be required to pick missing marks and delayed results forms from academic registrars at the various colleges and fill them as required.
“Sometimes the issue of missing marks is caused by missing to enter someone’s marks into the system at the point they are being sent to the academic registrar. So, if you fill the forms from the academic registrar’s office and you find he or she never received the results from your department into his or her system, then you will be referred to the department head,” Ipola explained.
Ipola added that once the student still fails to get assistance from the department level, then that student will be required to inform them and they take another step.
“If all these people don’t help, we shall now come in and write either to the academic registrar of the university, or the Dean of Students because sometimes these people [responsible for missing marks and delayed results] bring lugezigezi [tricks] and end up intentionally refusing to solve these issues for reasons best known to themselves,” he added.
According to Happy Ali, a third year student of Journalism and communication, consequences of delayed marks are severe.
“For us we have not yet received our Media Law results, a paper we sat for in second year first semester. This means that a student who gets a retake now has one chance to redo the paper,that is in fourth year, and once you fail it again, you will pay full tuition of the next year just to redo one paper,” Ali said.
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