The academic registrar’s (AR) officer of Makerere University has officially opened the applications for undergraduate direct entry for the academic year 2023/2024.
With a number of colleges and faculties that offer courses ranging from computing, sciences, humanities and many more, A Level applicants can now start applying to secure a slot in the incoming academic year.
According to the AR, each applicant should:
Have the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with at least five passes, or its equivalent and at least two principal passes at Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) obtained at the same sitting. For day programmes only candidates who sat A’ Level in 2022 and 2020 are eligible to apply. For evening, afternoon, and external programmes, a candidate is not restricted on the year of sitting A’ Level.
How to apply
1. Applicants should access the Institution’s Admissions URL
2. Sign up by clicking on the REGISTER NOW. Use your full name, e-mail and Mobile No. Please note that your name must be similar to the one on your supporting academic documents for your application to be considered valid. If you changed your names please go to Senate Building Office 611 with a deed poll and gazette supporting the name change.
3. A password will be sent to you on your mobile phone and email.
3. The system will prompt you to change the password to the one you can easily remember.
4. To fill an application form, click on the APPLY NOW button displayed on the appropriate running scheme.
5. Obtain a payment reference number by clicking on “Pay for Form” Button
6. Make a payment at any of the banks used by Uganda Revenue Authority
- Dial *272*6# on either MTN or Airtel
- Select option 3-Admission
- Select option 3-Pay Fees
- Enter reference number obtained from Application portal
- Details of Application form will be confirmed
- Enter PIN to confirm payment
According to the AR, the deadline for the applications is Wednesday 31st May 2023. Please find the full advertisement below: