Andrew Mwenda likens Makerere university students to Kisekka Market vendors during a public lecture that took place on Friday, organised by Makerere law school.
In justification of his “old man of the clan title” He didn’t hesitate in branding Daniel Ruhweza, a constitutional lawyer and lecturer ‘My great great grandson.’ In a blue jacket, and shades placed on his back of his head.
He delved down into the political questions surrounding Uganda. He treaded carefully on the matters at hand ping ponging between political questions and economic arguments. However students were permitted to ask questions at the end of his lecture. They fired rather long and emotional question towards Andrew.
They accused Andrew of shifting goal posts in favour of the government. The Makerere law society speaker Wegulo branded Andrew a suit donning academia whose theoretical preachings were inconsequential against reality.
Andrew’s retort at the lectern; “I thought I’d come to a university, not Kiseka Market.” “I came to enlighten not engage in political snorgling. I’m speaking to you in scholarly tongue because this is an academic environ not Kiseka market, when I go to Kiseka market, I speak differently.”
Visibly irked by the stinging accusations raised by the pack of 5 Makerere university law students. He retorted the same old Andrew Mwenda way. “Please become university students not Kiseka market vendors. If you can’t put about change by engaging in emotional talk, if that’s all you can afford then you have no business, go home and eat matooke!”
The hitherto ululating hall went quiet. He wasn’t done. I’d expect University students to follow the Kwame Nkrumah way; ‘Organise not agonise.’ He kept chipping rather snide remarks as he rebutted the questions and counter attacks fired at him by university students. “You should be intellectual van guards. I’m shocked by the economic ignorance of university students. If you are interested in learning instead of Kiseka market snorkeling write this down,” he mocked.
He proceeded to give statistical figures he’s known for. “It’s indeed true that every ass likes to hear himself bray; did he have to tell us his maid earns 500, 000shs? Or that his child is in a 20,000 dollar Malaysian university?” a student who was clearly angered by Andrew Mwenda was heard lamenting.
Andrew Mwenda topped the icing on the cake by promising to once every week return to Makerere university and offer a lecture to political economy classes at no cost. Surprisingly students clapped at that offer.