As reopening of post-secondary learning institutions nears, several universities have deployed stringent measures to have their learners and staff ready for resumption. Non-vaccinated students will not be allowed to attend lectures at Bugema and Kampala Universities, the administrators have warned.
This comes at a time when the government through the Health Ministry is doing drives in several parts of the country to ensure that all Ugandan adults are vaccinated before re-opening of schools.
Most universities have set up free vaccination centres and senstized all their stakeholders on how and why taking the jab is important.
In his address where he lifted the second lockdown president, President Yoweri Museveni allowed higher institutions to reopen on 1st November 2021.
However, Mr. Museveni urged lecturers as well as non-teaching staff to get vaccinated. Kampala University has issued a circular ordering all its staff and students to report to all campuses starting October 28-31, 2021 for vaccination.
In the circular dated October 20th, 2021 and signed by Ahmed Hamza Segawa, the university says this will help them to reopen when everybody is vaccinated as required. It also notes that vaccination will be a requirement for anyone to attend lectures at the University.
At Bugema University, Richard Kanyerezi the head of the University COVID 19 Task Force, said that at least 78% of their staff have already been vaccinated and the exercise is still ongoing. No student will be permitted to enter the university premises unvaccinated.