The Ministry of Education and Sports has invited applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandan Scholars to pursue studies at Undergraduate Level in Algerian Universities for 2023/2024 Academic Year.
The scholarships are an additional package to the Ministry’s opportunities emanating from the cordial relationship between Uganda and the North African country.
Interested applicants under the following disciplines are advised to try their luck to fill the allocated slots;
- Natural and Life Sciences (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy. Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, food Sciences) – 25
- Science and Technology (Electrical Engineering. Aeronautics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Oil and Gas production, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering) – 25
- Science of matter (Analytical Chemistry, Material and Physiochemical Control) – 5
- Earth and the universe (Geophysics, Petroleum Geology. Geography and Regional Planning. Geology) – 10
- Mathematics and Computer Science (Computer Science. Information Systems and Software Engineering. Web Development and Mobile Applications. Probability and Statistics) – 20
- Architecture, Town Planning & City Professions (Architecture, Urban Planning. Surveyor Topographer, Urban Waste Management, City Engineering) – 15
- Applicants must have a minimum of 2 Principal passes at (D level) for ‘A’ Level in the essential subjects indicated above.
- Should be below 25 years of age at the time of application.
- Should have obtained their A-level results in 2022. 4. Should have a Passport or evidence of application & a Birth Certificate
- Those already admitted on Government
sponsorship need not apply 6. Those who have been nominated on reserve in the first group may still apply
Terms of Scholarship
All successful candidates will be required to: - buy a one-way air ticket to Algeria. Government will provide the return ticket upon completion of studies.
- do a one-year French Language course.
The application form can be downloaded from the Website of the Ministry of Education and Sports: The completed application form can be emailed to: OR can be handwritten with a recent passport photo attached.
The application should indicate age, sex, course, home district, telephone contact, an email address, photocopies of academic documents and addressed to; The Secretary Central Scholarships Committee Ministry of Education and Sports and delivered to: Department of Admissions, Scholarship and Students Affairs 2nd Floor, Wing B, Legacy Towers Kyadondo Road.
To reach not later than Friday 29th September, 2023. The shortlist will be displayed on the Ministry of Education and Sports Website: and on Notice Boards at Legacy Towers on Friday 6 October 2023..