The students Guild Nkumba University has written a letter to the Vice Chancellor threatening to suspend lectures if a valid and clear reason is not given as to why students activities especially the Freshers’ ball are always postponed or called off.
“Reference is made to the letter that was written by the University’s Dean of students to the Students Guild kindly requesting for the freshers’ ball which had been scheduled to take place on 25th March 2022 to be rescheduled to a later date,” the Guild leaders noted in the letter
Students were informed that the University did not have enough funds to carry out the students’ activities and therefore the Dean requested students to make tuition payments in time such that the University would run its activities as planned. The Freshers’ Ball was thus postponed to Friday 8th April 2022. However, it is dismaying to the Students Guild who pledged to serve the students under the theme.
“Students Dream” that the Finance Department turned down their proposal to hold the Freshers’ Ball a few days to the highly anticipated day. This has so much infuriated the leaders as it is supposed that the University does not want to release funds for the Freshers ball even after the countless efforts and expenditure the student leaders have made to make the day colorful.
According to the Guild leaders, it is deemed unfair to the students who always pay functional fees in order for the University to hold such events that the finance department turned them down.
For this reason, the guild president and his fellow guild officers have asked the students not to attend lectures on Thursday 7th April 2022 as a move to seek value for their money and express their heartfelt grievances to the University administration for always postponing or calling off the students’ activities, not just the Freshers’ ball, but also other equally important events like the Annual Lawyers dinner.
Any Student found attending lectures on the mentioned day, as the letter reads, shall be regarded as a hypocrite who is betraying the students’ cause.
It’s everyone’s prayer that the University administration and the Students Guild amicably settle the issue at hand.

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