There are slay queens, slay jajjas and now, so we are told, slay babies have also been invented…whoever you are- the whole point is you are still slaying [afterall].] Do you know those non-bougee (I just couldn’t use the word local yho) slay queens- who look really fly, have dope outfits, match them well- and of course slaaaayyyy- but have the word local glaring allover their faces? It is not like you can say they’re broke or anything.
Those light skins, with short hair and a glaring line on their heads akin to those white zebra crossing lines on Kampala road. They’d probably bite their tongues trying to pronounce the word ‘feisty’- yes, those one that don’t sip Bellaire or Ciroc but beer. But then again, I guess I just have to sit down and be humble!
We aren’t sure (I bet we are) if self proclaimed socialite Tamala Powers (what’s the secret behind every ‘slay queen calling themselves ‘Powers’?) fits this description but all we sure of is she is raising eyebrows.
The young stunning light skin posted her pictures in a swim suit flaunting curvaceous and voluptuous self on her ‘soso’ [read social] media pages-garnering thousands of likes, shares and of course more followers.
Tamala is on the right course to becoming one the formidable slay queens in town- but next time, perhaps she should snap herself sipping things like Bellaire with a fancy caption like; “Niggas without money act like money isn’t everything.” Ditch the canned beer hun and roll with some champagne.