She will easily be spotted in a group without trying. Her simple style of long dresses and designer bags are a look out for all female students. She is a girl that makes one want to become a Muslim. She makes you forget that putting on long dresses and veils are a requirement in the Muslim religion. For that reason therefore, I will not say that we still see that ohh so round mound underneath the dresses. Neither will I mention the noticeably small waist, light colour and that beautiful smile that completes the package. How dare I even say?! No, I. WILL. NOT. I simply feel safer in my cacoon with the many that notice but will not dare say as if there is a tag “Please only fantasize in thought” which is, ok kinda there…? Please just remember I did not say a thing. I DID NOT!!!
I did not say a thing about Her Grace the Queen of the third year Journalism and Communication class, Sumaia Namuyingo. Elegance is an understatement, adding it with grace is a little close but still feels far in describing Sumaia. Maybe Exquisite can try? It is not so many times that I am at loss of words but please allow me be this time.
Sumaia is not your normal third year student. She is a class above, already working in the Public Relations department at the infamous Makerere University Business School (MUBS), a job that many of her class can only dream of when they grow up. She however decided that to upgrade with a degree of Journalism and communication at Makerere University, a four year course that entails both Journalism and Public Relations specialists.
That would normally be enough on one’s table but not for spirited Sumaia. She has added all that with the fruits of talent. Sumaia is a tailor sowing each piece of cloth that she puts on. Her talent was a perfect gift from heaven that God launched it with a shop, with a unique name, Bubu Warehouse, at Universal House, Level 2 shop no. F18. She designs ladies’ clothes; casual, office and party, men’s shirts, table linen, place mats, diaper change mats, jewelry, cushions and their covers, curtains, sofa-beds, laptop bags, and all forms of fabric gifts. In addition to the above she does interior designing.
I bet a person can make a better #WCW this December than Her Royalness, the beautiful, purposed, enterprising Sumaia Namuyingo.*Hope now you get why I did not say!
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