Queen Winnie brings you today’s WCW, Naisanga Sheba Valentine. She is in her first year at Makerere University doing Social Sciences.
Valentine is known for her gorgeous eyes, they are so big she can look in all directions… mbu. She is outgoing, friendly loves her phone but has an intelligent mind. She is good in academics as well.
Looks can be deceiving because when you see her, you can’t tell she is a great chess player, the game most people, esp chics, can’t handle. She won a gold medal in last year’s East African University games that took place at UCU, where she came in unbeaten after battling it out with 8 other girls.
She loves to read and party so you can find her in the happening spots of Makerere. Sheba also likes to be in a circle of friends that inspire her to do better.
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