Deo Musiige is the founder of the first legit online dating website in Uganda. He had a chat with Campusbee about, and why all university students should sign up on this dating website.

Tell us about is the only dating website in Uganda with legitimate profiles of indiviuals who are looking for serious relationships, speed dating and fun in general. When I started the website a year ago, no one would believe that I would actually get visitors on it. See, in America, over 30% of couples have meet through dating websites. That’s more than the number of couples that meet in bars. So eampenzi is redefining online dating. It is like a shop where you can access one’s education background, age, and hobbies, in a just one click.
Have you gotten testimonials of couples who have met and have gone into serous relationships after meeting on
Uhmmm we went into mass media in February this year where we sponsored Be My Date TV show on NTV. So it is just a short time, if some have met, then they are really fast.
What’s the number of university students with profiles on
35% of the members on eampenzi are at campus. The majority, however, are fresh graduates, who perhaps, are looking to hook up a partner for a serious relationship that will eventually lead into marriage.
Do members post nude photos on your website?
No. All profiles are subject to scrutiny by the administrator. No one is allowed to post their nude photos on It is against the law in Uganda.
Are you earning anything from this dating website?
So far I am not earning anything as yet. I hope with time I will because we have packages that enable members to communicate with each other. Membership for two months costs 20USD for Premium and 10USD for Gold. When one is on premium, they can communicate with all members on the dating website. Whereas one who subscribes for Gold can only communicate with members without the above packages.
Any future prospects?
We plan on expanding throughout East Africa in the next one year…. we are looking at having over 100,000 members on Currently we have over 1,000 members and still counting.
Your last words to campusers?
If you are looking for a serious partner log on to are lots of profiles of people from all walks of life looking for serious relationships. We have whites looking to hook up sexy Ugandans for love and vice versa. Click here to create your profile:
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