Daniel Mumbere is a funky presenter on Urban TV a local station and hosts a show called Hash Tag. Campusbee reporters Jemmie and Pius managed to catch up with him at the Urban TV Jinja Road based offices for a chat.
Who is Daniel Mumbere?
Daniel Mumbere is a story teller, Am 25 years old I love telling stories and it’s what drives me. Right now am telling them on TV, I tell them online with a keen insight too on how these platforms are being used. Everyone has a story, you’ve got a story and I want to hear it and share it with as many people.
You have a blog?
Yeah I do but blogging is hard I must say and I find it hard to blog that’s why I prefer twitter which got like 140 characters. So I’ve got like more tweets than blogs. I blog on mumbere.blogspot.com and yeah it’s a great experience.
Which Campus did you go to?
I went to Makerere University Business School. I actually went to school long time ago like in 2008 but didn’t graduate in 2011 with my friends as intended because I didn’t complete my research. So I couldn’t graduate. I opted to go for the Rated next auditions, luckily got a job at Urban then relaxed but my parents were like I’ve got to finish studies first. Well I did my research and graduated finally this year.
What were you funky campus moments?
Campus was really fun! At MUBS we used to only do four hours of lectures and the rest of the time was for you to do whatever you wanted. Partying to me was the order of the day and gate crushing weddings that had their receptions at the MUBS playground was funky. We would clad our suits on and boldly gate crush on those parties. But also at campus I got Born-again, we did a lot of door to door preaching, moving places just to preach the gospel and traveling a lot. Campus was really fun.
How did you juggle campus and work?
Huh actually I was a busy man at campus and friends used to call me a ‘busybody’. I had not time. I had to attend to lots of responsibilities both off campus and on campus. Frankly it was hard for me to juggle these two. The four hours I had for studies, I maximized those hours as much as I could and attend most lectures. I also enjoyed my work too.
How was it like being at Campus for all those years?
Well I did my three years at MUBS then asked for a dead year that lasted for three years. So guys would be like that guy really spent a hell of a lifetime at campus. But I luckily got through with it all, am enjoying my work now.
What’s like the craziest thing you did at Campus?
Huh to me partying and staying out many nights was very crazy. I never knew how we did it but to us night was day. Being out at 3am was very okay.
Did you get retakes back then?
The only retake I got was that research I didn’t complete. I only got like some low mark in one paper Accounting 2 but that’s no retake.
Tell us about your Hash Tag show
Hash Tag is a show that follows social media trends and conversations. We put together our minds with my boss Bush Baby on how to tap on the ever growing rate on social media users. Well we came up with Hash tag that keeps up with the events ranting on social media and host influential peeps to the show to expound on it.

How did you handle the fame with working on TV and Being at campus?
Yes it’s fun and exciting, you become increasingly more self-conscious, more stressing but then again rewarding. So many people get to know you; you’re increasingly recognized and given respect. But you’ll be more conscious at what you wear, what you do and you can’t really do just anything you please. You get to meet a lot of people and that could be rewarding.
Any crushes while at Campus and in life?
Crushing on people or people crushing on me? (hahhaha he seems to wonder) Well I’ve had crushes on gals and I mean that’s normal for any lad. Am actually getting over it now but sometime back last year I had a crush on Irene Ntale. Yeah Irene Ntale when she took the scene by storm, I would follow her on twitter and glue on her Facebook. But that’s like back then, I’m so over it.
What’s your take on the just concluded Social Media Awards?
Impressive I must say. The biggest story that made it for me was the bringing forth the big names like the OLX guys, Jumia and the rest. We are really not yet there but that’s a huge step. To me I was surprised that Amama Mbabazi won that award.
Your message to the campusers.
I would say have as much fun as you can because once you leave campus, it’s truly business. Well I believe you can have as much fun as possible and also have cool grades. Passing through campus is easy to deal with.
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